Gino and Bevan chat to Kurt from the MFGCast, a cracking podcast about tabletop and video gaming from across the Pond. In this cross-over episode, we discuss the the difference between board gaming in America versus in Britain, and Bevan puts Gino and Kurt through their paces with a quiz of well known phrases and acronyms in the board gaming hobby, enjoy!

0:00 - Kurt introduces himself and his links to the tabletop industry
4:29 - We discuss the differences and similarities of gaming in the USA and the UK
27:03 - QM Bevan takes Kurt and Gino on a quiz of board game phrasology and acronyms
42:06 - Credits by Gino and Outro music
Get on our podcast!
Read our credits for us because Gino can't spell his own name. Record yourself saying the following and send the file to [email protected]. Feel free to tell us your Jumanji game at the end of the recording (i.e. What game would you Jumanji into and why?)

"Hi, I'm and this is the Tinkerbot Games Credits! You can get in touch with the Tinkerbots in the following ways. The website is or you can contact them directly by email at info@tinkerbotgames. You can get Gino on twitter @ginobrancazio which is G-I-N-O-B-R-A-N-C-A-Z-I-O, or for something easier to spell you can find Bevan on twitter @bluecatgames or you can find Tony representing all the tinkerbots on twitter @tinkerbotgames"


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Order board games online, support a FLGS and get Free P&P in the UK! Amazing!
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Send us your thoughts by contacting us below or tweet us.

Contact Gino on twitter: @ginobrancazio (
Contact Bevan on twitter: @bluecatgames (
Contact us/Tony on twitter: @TinkerbotGames (
Email the Tinkerbots: [email protected]
Check out our website for reviews, designing and prototypes:

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Gino and Bevan chat to Kurt from the MFGCast, a cracking podcast about tabletop and video gaming from across the Pond. In this cross-over episode, we discuss the the difference between board gaming in America versus in Britain, and Bevan puts Gino and Kurt through their paces with a quiz of well known phrases and acronyms in the board gaming hobby, enjoy!

0:00 – Kurt introduces himself and his links to the tabletop industry

4:29 – We discuss the differences and similarities of gaming in the USA and the UK

27:03 – QM Bevan takes Kurt and Gino on a quiz of board game phrasology and acronyms

42:06 – Credits by Gino and Outro music

Get on our podcast!

Read our credits for us because Gino can’t spell his own name. Record yourself saying the following and send the file to [email protected]. Feel free to tell us your Jumanji game at the end of the recording (i.e. What game would you Jumanji into and why?)

“Hi, I’m <name> and this is the Tinkerbot Games Credits! You can get in touch with the Tinkerbots in the following ways. The website is or you can contact them directly by email at info@tinkerbotgames. You can get Gino on twitter @ginobrancazio which is G-I-N-O-B-R-A-N-C-A-Z-I-O, or for something easier to spell you can find Bevan on twitter @bluecatgames or you can find Tony representing all the tinkerbots on twitter @tinkerbotgames”



How to play Ghostel –

The MFG Cast

Home page –

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Black Jam Circus

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Ghostel! –

Our Blog –

Our Lovely Sponsors –

Subscribe to the Monthly Summary –

Rate/Review us on iTunes –


Order board games online, support a FLGS and get Free P&P in the UK! Amazing!

Rules of Play –


Send us your thoughts by contacting us below or tweet us.

Contact Gino on twitter: @ginobrancazio (

Contact Bevan on twitter: @bluecatgames (

Contact us/Tony on twitter: @TinkerbotGames (

Email the Tinkerbots: [email protected]

Check out our website for reviews, designing and prototypes:

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