On this episode of Talking Terror, your freaky fright hosts are heading to Detroit! Why would they want to go there of all places? Well, The Ghoul of Geek heard that there's this old blind man that lives in this crappy house on an abandoned street. Why should your boys of the horror podcast world care about this house? Apparently, there's a ton of money in there just begging to be taken. After all, they need to keep the lights on in the Talking Terror studio and word has it, The King of Horror has a really weird and expensive habit that involves collecting potato chips that look like Vincent Prince. So, this money could be the solution to all of their problems! While your eerie emcees try not to be caught, listen in as they discuss The Ghoul of Geek Keith's film pick of the week, the 2016 Fede Alvarez film; "Don't Breathe". Don't worry, it's okay to breathe while listening to this episode, or is it....... Stay scared people, stay scared!