After last week's film discussion, the boys of Talking Terror were looking for a fun palate cleanser. Something that would make them laugh, maybe a little terrified and perhaps, grossed out. Since it is The Demonic Doctor Dave's turn, he decided to dig deep into his files and came up with "Killer Condom" from 1996 directed by Martin Walz. It's New York City by way of Germany and features a German lead playing a Sicilian and......well you'll just have to listen in to see what the boys think. Also up for discussion, Zac Efron drops photos of himself as Ted Bundy for his upcoming film. The Cloverfield Paradox made a surprise release after the Super Bowl on Netflix. There's a SAW themed escape room in Vegas! Plus so much more. Prepare for the scare or utter disapppointment. Either way, make sure you wrap it up before smacking it up or something like that because you could have a killer condom rub you out!