Today in the SVP Lounge, Eric and Matt join CT to further discuss the fallout from Maryland’s loss to Bowling Green. The guys look at Saturday’s mess and recount all the ways things went wrong. Eric talks about how he long defended Edsall, but this game was his breaking point. Matt says the Terps aren’t yet at the breaking point and warns of the consequences of jettisoning Edsall. Plus: A change in quarterback, Can Maryland get back on track with a win over South Florida on Saturday, Eric melting down and much more.
Topics discussed include:

We’re back for a second episode this week!
Eric reports on the scene from Byrd Stadium, says he should’ve left during the storm delay. This is the game that’s caused him to turn the corner on Randy Edsall
Matt opts to go to a beerfest with Dan in Annapolis, watches the end of the game at a bar, was completely distraught after the game
The team is a mess
The guys start second guessing coaching calls
Caleb Rowe takes over the starting quarterback job over Perry Hills
By going to Rowe, Hills' failure is on Randy Edsall, not many people talking about that about because the team loss to the Falcons
Matt talks about Randy’s struggles in dealing with the quarterback situation, Maryland’s poor quarterback situation in previous years
The running game regressed, was quickly abandoned
Mike Locksley remains a poor play caller
Are we at the make or break point of the season already? Matt says no, Maryland is not as bad as they were in the second half, this is standard Terrapins operating procedure 
Eric recounts the the offense’s struggles in the first half, everyone agrees no need to read into Rowe’s interceptions
Matt thinks people underestimate the consequences of blowing things up with Edsall, Eric thinks it doesn’t matters and that keeping Edsall prolongs the mediocrity
Eric now fiercely anti-Edsall, anti-Locksley
What’s the low point of Edsall’s tenure? Matt says easily his first season when he took a 9-4 team and turn it into a 2-10 team. Eric says the Bowling Green is it for him
Eric makes his case to fire Edsall, Matt argues the time to hire him is long gone
Eric totally melts down at the end of the show
What to expect when the Terps take the field against South Florida
Tailgating plans for the weekend, they don’t get out there as early as they used to