Today in the SVP Lounge, CT and Matt convene to talk Terps following an embarrassing loss to West Virginia. They guys recap their double date on Saturday night, discuss a typical Randy Edsall blow out at the hands of the Mountaineers, what it would actually take to replace him, preview Michigan and recap CT’s outing to TGIFriday’s Endless Appetizers. 
Topics discussed include:

CT and Matt go a double date, their girlfriends now do a “are you buying me a dog” bit to annoy them
Realized that they never spoke of the Maryland-West Virginia football game throughout their entire evening out
Terps lose to the Mountaineers 46-6
The entire fan base has come around the cul de sac and everyone’s done with Randy Edsall
West Virginia has dominated Maryland for the last 8 years
The game with Matt with a lot of questions. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? 
Q: What Randy Edsall disaster does this remind you of? A: All of the them!
As terrible as the offense was, the defense was even more atrocious 
Edsall’s teams never ever come out energized
Looking ahead to potential wins, taking 2 or 3 more games is going to be a fight. The next few games will tell us a lot about this team
Brandon Ross is the lone bright spot, has a nice game
Caleb Rowe vs. Daxx Garman starting — Don’t worry it doesn’t matter much
CT throws out the idea of having Perry Hills grind things out, Matt shoots it down. Defense is getting shredded, duh
What would it take to actually get rid of Randy Edsall? From a football and fan perspective it makes sense, but there’s much more to it
The guys walk through the other parties involved in hiring and firing football coaches and the politics that come with it
CT and Matt are concerned if logistically the university could do a good job at hiring a coach
Firing Edsall would be a blow to Kevin Anderson’s ego
We could still see Edsall back again next year. Maryland’s afraid of the rebuild
The whole Byrd Stadium-name controversy only makes things more annoying
The guys don’t care at all — More offended by the football team
CT is bummed out he’s missing the tailgate on Saturday
Terps are +16 underdogs to Michigan in their token night game of the year, sure to be a flood of opposing fans
Previewing the Michigan Wolverines
The guys feel like Michigan looks ahead of schedule in Jim Harbaugh’s first year, but still seem a little overinflated. They played bad teams in UNLV and Oregon State, as well as a beaten down BYU squad
Maryland could compete, though, they are really good at getting their doors blown off
Offense is run heavy, Jake Rudock looks to be improving
Defense is strong, experienced
CT details his SECOND experience with TGIFriday’s Endless Appetizers
Pro tip: Avoid the potato skins
For his last plate, CT tried the peanut butter and jelly boneless buffalo wings — They were gross
What’s the turnout going to be for Saturday?