Dr. Saida Désilets wants to live in a world filled with audacious, sexually sovereign women, living life on their own terms.

As a counter-culture creatrix, body-philosopher and advocate for sexual sovereignty, Saida has also written The Emergence of the Sensual Woman followed by her newest book Desire.

Her innovative method has been featured in Dr. Christiane Northrup’s bestselling books: Women’s Wisdom, Women’s Bodies & The Secret Pleasures of Menopause, as well as in the books of Dr. Rachel Abrams: Multi-Orgasmic Woman and BodyWise.
Saida is renowned for being the founder of the modern Jade Egg movement and visionary spokesperson for sexual Sovereignty and has created The Daring Project—a growing online membership of women from around the world—assisting women to audaciously move from being a victim to confidently thriving in life.

Learn more about Saida.Watch Saida’s short documentary – The Journey To SovereigntyCheck out her amazing book Desire.Grab the resources to accompany her book.Connect with Saida on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram.

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