A brief comment on the range of homegrown practices of amud alef. And then the wisdom of R. Hisda (Who's Who), including the general advice and then his personal experience, to Torah students: 1. Don't eat vegetables; 2. Don't share out your bread if you don't have enough; 3. Don't pass up barley bread or beer for wheat bread or wine, because of bal taschit (the Gemara recasts that). Plus his advice to his daughters: 1. Don't eat too much in front of your husband; 2. Don't have food/drink that results in stomach rumbling; 3. Don't relieve yourself where your husband does; 4. Speak to unknown visitors to your home in the feminine form; 5. Hiding something away can make it more valuable. That last one becomes an interesting lesson in translation, between Sefaria and Artscroll's English translation, on the original. His advice might not all be suited for nowadays, but his love for his daughters and his good cheer with regard to the students is evident.