The mishnah on daf 122 explains that every item is permissible to move on Shabbat - and provides permitted activities to do that designate items that otherwise have a prohibited purpose on Shabbat for use on Shabbat. But what is this really all about? For that, we need today's daf. And the mishnah here says - you can move all items on Shabbat, except 2. But why? Again, what is this really all about? Which brings us to the decree against carrying *anything,* (except 3 small things for the table), and how it was rescinded over time. That decree came on the heels of Shivat Tzion, the return to Israel in the time of Nechemiah, when people simply were not keeping Shabbat. The decree was slowly rescinded, and the Gemara acknowledges that sequence of events in subsequent discussion - the recognition that the Oral Law changed. And indeed, the way Shabbat was kept changed too.