Ten years ago, on the night of March 18, 2014 students and activists broke into
Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan in an effort to block the passage of the Cross-Strait Service
Trade Agreement, a trade agreement between Taiwan and China. The day before, on
March 17, the Kuomintang (KMT) had attempted to force through passage of the trade
agreement in the Legislative Yuan, without giving it a clause-by-clause review.
The occupation of the Legislative Yuan lasted over 20 days, until April 10 th and Fire
EX.’s song Island’s Sunrise became the anthem of the movement, which came to
known as the Sunflower Movement.

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To commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Sunflower Movement, I sat down and
spoke with Sam Yang, the lead singer of the band Fire EX. about how the opportunity to
write the song Island’s Sunrise came about. As it turns out there’s a New York
connection to the story and an exhibit and event to commemorate the 10-year
anniversary of the Sunflower Movement be taking place in New York on March 15 and
running until April 15. Sam and I also spoke about where he gets his musical inspiration
and how the band nearly broke up in 2015, the same year that Island’s Sunrise was
named Song of the Year at the Golden Melody Awards.

Fire EX. now has its own music production company and since 2017 they have been
organizing something called Fireball Fest. The band is now on a North American tour
and most notably will be performing at this year’s South by Southwest in Austin Texas.
We’ll share their tour dates below.
This interview was a real treat for me because I happened to be in Taiwan in 2014 when
the Sunflower Movement happened. I remember all of the events that unfolded and
being so moved when I heard the song Island’s Sunrise. Special thanks to Katie Wei for
her translation and May Wu for her help in making this interview possible.

Here’s a little preview of what we talked about in this podcast episode:

 How Sam got interested in music
 How Fire EX. got started and where its name comes from
 Fire EX.’s musical influences
 Sam’s path to becoming a full-time musician
 Sam’s advice for young aspiring musicians
 How the opportunity for Fire EX. to write a song for the Sunflower Movement
 The New York connection to the story of how Fire EX. was asked to write a
song for the Sunflower Movement

 How there will be a month-long exhibit in New York to commemorate the 10-
year anniversary of the Sunflower Movement from March 15-April 15 at the
Tenri Cultural Institute in New York City
 March 18, 2014 the night students and activists broke into and occupied the
Legislative Yuan
 The March 23, 2014 attempt to occupy the Executive Yuan
 The rallies that happened worldwide on March 30, 2014 in support of the
students and activists’ actions to block the Cross-Strait Service Trade
 How students who occupied the Legislative Yuan often listened to Fire EX.’s
song Good Night Formosa before falling asleep
 Why students of the Taipei National University of the Arts approached Sam to
writ a song for the Sunflower Movement
 Sam’s approach to writing the song Island’s Sunrise
 How Sam decides to write songs in Holo Taiwanese or Mandarin Chinese
 Sam’s thoughts on the differences and challenges of the twenty-somethings
who were involved in the Sunflower Movement vs. the twenty-somethings
who just voted in Taiwan’s recent election (January 13, 2024)
 How Sam’s sense of social activism was influenced by his roommate Wu
Zhining (吳志寧) whose father Wu Sheng (吳晟) is a famous Taiwanese poet
 How Fire EX. almost broke up in 2015
 The Fireball Festival
 How Fire EX. will be touring in North American in March and performing at
South by Southwest in Austin, TX
 One of the most touching things that Sam has heard from one of the band’s
 What we can expect from Fire EX. in the future, a concert in Taipei on June
15 and Fireball Festival at the end of November

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