On January 25th we held the second in-person event during the Talking Taiwan Election Tour at the PicCollage office in Taipei thanks to John Fan, who was a guest on episode 179 of Taking Taiwan. Many of our past guests, friends and supporters were in attendance at the event, and what made the event extra special for us of course was the chance to meet some of our past guests in-person for the very first time.


In this episode you’ll hear me speaking with our previous podcast guests and a few people from the audience also came up and spoke with me at our impromptu on-stage podcasting booth. Previous guests featured in this episode include: Eric Chang (episodes 121, 127 and 231), Jane W. Wang (episode 150), Karen Chung, (episodes 217 and 219), Elias Ek (episode 59), Brian Foden (episodes 184 and 185), Richard Wang (episode 77), Jerome Keating (episodes 97, 98 and 186).


This episode bookends the Talking Taiwan Election Tour episodes, but we do have some other interviews that we recorded while in Taiwan. Those will be released at a later date.


We are extremely grateful to our supporters and donors who made the Talking Taiwan Election Tour possible.


By the way, if you'd like to listen to the episode featuring our first in-person on January 19th at 4SC Crossfit thanks to T.H. Schee, check out episode 273 and if you want the full visual experience, visit Talking Taiwan’s YouTube channel where you can watch video footage from both of our in-person events.


Here’s a little preview of what we talked about in this podcast episode:

·       Jenny Luo talked about the Taiwan Plus show she’s producing called, Anything Goes with JL

·       Eric Chang shares his thoughts on the January 13th election in Taiwan, and talked about his work at Taiwan News and enjoying Taiwan’s natural beauty

·       Jane W. Wang talked about her interest in permaculture and degrowth

·       Karen Chung talked about an app she’s been working on to improve the listening skills of those learning English called Ear Bug

·       Elias Ek talked about how his early career in radio shaped him as an entrepreneur, Dragon’s Chamber and his latest business venture Keego

·       Brian Foden talked about his podcast, If the Phrase Fits

·       Richard Wang shared how he’s helping to bring baseball games to the Taipei Dome, that the Yomiuri Giants (Japanese baseball team) will be celebrating their 90th anniversary with games at the Taipei Dome, and starting this year, the local baseball league will have six teams

·       John Fan made introduced and explained what PicCollage does

·       Jerome Keating shared his thought on the future direction of Taiwan and where Taiwan is headed

·       Nancy Baldwin talked about her book, One Thousand Layers of Water and Clouds: The Tale of a Taiwanese Daughter

·       Elias Ek shared a few pet peeves that he has about terms and phrases commonly used in Taiwan

·       Felicia acknowledged Gus Adapon the original producer of Talking Taiwan who was in the audience

·       Dylan Black a Canadian who has lived and taught English in Taiwan for many years talked about how he is now doing so in China, and how life China compares to life in Taiwan so far


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