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In this special episode of "Talking Success," Darren delves into the essence of the podcast series and his journey in the fintech sector in Africa. With over a decade of experience, Darren has been a part of incredible innovations and companies in fintech. The podcast aims to democratize fintech, making it accessible to everyone, from consumers to small business owners.

Darren also introduces his primary business,, which has evolved from a recruitment-focused company to a full-service growth agency offering marketing, PR, and more. Co-founder of the FinTech Association of South Africa, Darren emphasizes the role of fintech in financial inclusion, literacy, and business scalability. Tune in to gain an 'MBA in Fintech' from the insights shared by industry experts on "Talking Success."

titc is a full-service growth agency for FinTechs. A strategic partner that amplifies your brand's reach to the right customers, secures partnerships that matter, attracts top-tier talent, and impresses investors — all under one roof.

The Fintech Association of South Africa (FINASA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and supporting the growth and development of the fintech industry in South Africa.

Titc's Website:

FINASA's Website:

Darren Franks' Linkedin: