Hey friends!

This week, we chat to digital creator and diversity advocate Ruchi Page, ruminating on the issues that still plague the online beauty space (hint: we’re still not quite there on the inclusion front). 

Chronicling her journey from casual beauty lover to Instagram it-girl, Ruchi reveals the method behind her creativity, and shares her wisdom on how to thrive in the biz’. Of course, it wouldn’t be a true Insta chat without unpacking the crippling self doubt that comes along with sharing your work online (we’re like two episodes away from a real psychological breakthrough), and questioning the very nature of being in the social media spotlight. 

Grab a drink, nestle next to your favourite lil fluffer,  and listen up. 

We’d love to hear your thoughts! Send all holiday cheer and cheesy Christmas movie recs over to @talkingsocialpodcast on Instagram. 

You can scroll below to digest more of Ruchi’s golden advice.

Ruchi’s Insta: @ruchipage

Royalty-free music from Abloom: https://app.soundstripe.com/songs/10823

Ruchi’s five practical tips for running a social media biz’: 

#1. Always remember, each number you see on your following count is a person, and they’re actually interested in your work. It’s so easy to be consumed the numbers, but at the end of the day, it’s your content that will be the main attraction – it’s not how many followers you have. We always get gutted if our following’s not growing, but every single person that is watching your content is of value, and you need to remember that and cater to those people.

#2. Always continue to engage with other creators who are similar to your branding. You’re  going to be building a community of people – like a family almost, a little niche – and it’s going to be really genuine; they’re all going to be supportive. But you’re also allowing yourself to be discovered by people who are also interested in those creators, so it’s kind of a full circle moment. 

#3. Be constantly learning new photography, film and editing skills. This is just so you can really vamp up your content, and incorporate new elements and surprising factors into your work. It’s good to have that memorable factor, but I think it’s also really fun if you’re adding those little bits and pieces to make your audience go, “that’s new”, but still keeping things true to who you are as a creator. I think it’s a really great way to draw inspiration while keeping it really active and fun. 

#4. Find the balance of posting. Posting daily is recommended, just so you’re making yourself reliable to your audience, and you’re establishing that routine as well. It also helps you create a loyal connection to your followers. It’s also a great way for you to get into that habit of going, “okay, this is my business, I’m showing I’m committed and showing my passion.” When you’re posting daily, it really holds you accountable for this whole journey. 

#5. Fight the urge to feel uncomfortable or fearful of what others think. When I first started, I was so afraid to talk on camera, I was so afraid to do anything slightly different, even just putting yourself out there is a lot. So if you can fight that urge to put yourself on a halt for trying new things, I think you can really branch yourself out. It’s all about trial and error as well, so you need to try things – they might not always work, but you’ll learn from that, and that’s the best part about it.