Soulful. Inspiring. Authentic. True. Just a few words that people use to describe them and their artistry, and yet ASCENDANT are…simply that…ascendant…rising above. From its start, ASCENDANT has been rising above…their critics, their fears, their obstacles and creating

meaningful, soul-filled music in an era when such artistic statements just aren’t made but desperately needed. Take a listen to the soaring high notes and heartfelt harmonies. It’s there in every soul-drenched note; every colorful chord progression; every thought-provoking rhythm.

ASCENDANT rises… and asks us all to join them in flight…

ASCENDANT is a state of mind; a state of being; an uplifting movement to rise above. It is a platform to express these ideas and ideals through the language of music. Through the band platform (ASCENDANT), the energy and expression are directly showcased and felt in performances and recordings. Within the structure of the music production and publishing company (Ascendant Music Inc.), this expression is shared and utilized with other artists of similar purpose as well as other partnerships.

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