Mark Atkins has an (alter) ego problem. You may know him as Mark or you may know him as Rusty Butcher. Hooligan racer, stunt rider, motoXer, leather designer and so much more. Mark has done more with stock Harley-Davidson Sportster motorcycles than perhaps anyone you have ever known. 

In addition to being a great rider, Mark has developed the "Rusty Butcher" line of leather and clothing items that is selling well nationwide. He has also found an easy way for him to become a social media guru who has amased about 100,000 followers and did it organically. 

We hope you enjoy this episode of Talking Motorcycles with Mark Atkins powered by Crosley Brands! We offer special thanks to: The Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Dunlop Motorcycle Tires and Clearwater Lights!