The 2014 Motorcycle Cannonball is in the record books! Buzz Kanter of American Iron Magazine will join us to with the the story of their adventures. The team definitely had their challenges in this years event. It is a story of perserverence and fortitude to say the least. Buzz will inform us of the successes and struggles. In true writers fashion we get a very descriptive and thorough review.

Norm Nelson, rider for Cannonball Team 23 had a brilliant ride and finished the epic 4000 mile journey from Daytona Beach to Tacoma, Washington with a perfect score. They will be credited with second place out of a field of 100 riders but that definitely does not tell the entire story. Norm will give us his perspective on the  thrill of near victory and the agony of defeat. The 1926 BMW needed every bit of its 12 horsepower considering the big headwinds out West and the climb over the Rocky Mountains. Fate definitely played a role in the outcome for Team 23. Hear all about it as Norm shares his feelings and philosophies on this years event!

We are delighted to bring you this in depth look at the outcomes and results for these two teams who joined us on the eve of the ride to discuss their hopes and plans for victory. We are going inside the numbers to get the human side with both of these guests now that the run is completed!