On this show we talk about the real bankers secret. Yes there are several, like the rule of 72, compound interest. While those could be considered secret mysteries to the masses, the real secrets they banks don't want you to know is...what banks actually are. Banks are just businesses and like any other business especially those that are publicly trade, they have one objective in mind and that's to increase profits. As the general public we tend to look at some of the services that they provide and see them as a community service organization. As a result they take advantage of this trusted position to rake in record profits year after year. So today we pull back the curtains a bit on the banks and help you put them in their proper place so that you can use them to your advantage and not be taken advantage of.

About the host:

Author, wealth strategist and entrepreneur H Cortez presents Talking Money in the Morning LIVE! a show dedicated to uplift the working class American by providing practical, proven wealth building strategies. The mission of the show is to raise the collective financial I.Q. of the working class community and to inspire, motivate and encourage them to rise to greater heights. It's time that we all go beyon suviving and start living. That can only happen when we get money as an issue out of the way.

Connect with H Cortez, Financial Health Mentor
Youtube @ Financial Health Mentor

Twitter @CortezSpringer

email: [email protected]

website: www.hcortezthornton.com