First and foremost Happy Veteran's Day to all those in service and. that have sacrificed for our country! Folks we were honored to have with us our @LourAfterHours friend and MidWeek Mensches Cohost Aly Dawson @alydawson14. Jose and Aly talked about NASCAR, Formula One and Indy Racing. We had a wonderful discussion about women in racing, diversity and marketing. What Nascar and F1 racing can learn from another, Driven to Win, Sim Racing, North Carolina vs. South Carolina BBQ (or as Ally puts it East v. West Carolina BBQ) and how it reigns supreme over all BBQ, and so much more. This episode was so fun recording it and I hope you enjoy our discussion. 

Guest: Aly Dawson @alydawson14 of @LourAfterHours

Host: Jose R. @freearcadianvox

In Absentia: Jeannette: @jayher17 Jon in Miami: @papoJons and Kevin in NY

Shout Out to our tomato based loving BBQ friends: Yeti Blanc @Yetiblanc & Andrew Streeter @AndrewStreeter of Yes, Maybe, No Podcast @YesMaybeNo and Our Righteous friend Krispy Yamaguccimane @WappleHouse or Jortscenter Podcast @Jortscenter for teaching us of the Way of BBQ

Intro: F-Zero GX "Beyond Velocity" -

Outro: Diddy Kong Racing "Samba Primata" -