Here it is, the interview I have been wanting to do for a long time. For me, Prof Peter Whorwell and his research played a significant role in my area of interest in Gastrointestinal Psychology.

Prof peter Whorwell is one of the nicest people I have met !

Be prepared for my once again, really really long questions…get to the point Jimbo ! 

Our friend ‘obviously’ shows up again from time to time haha


I had a relaxed and wonderful chat with Prof Whowell

We discussed

Origins of gut directed hypnotherapy, where and how it all started, from hypnotising his secretary to develop his first clinical study We touch on the research and his reasons why he chose to focus on IBS and other functional gut Disorders We talked about the importance of the therapeutic relationship between doctor and patient, and how he feels patients in the past haven’t been listened to. We touched on Microbiota and current medicine We talked about the power of Placebo How hypnosis increases gastric emptying Diet as he was initially looking at diet Where he thinks research in gut is going. Tinkolometer bowel sounds