Welcome to another Episode of Talking Gut, and today I have the honour of presenting someone a person I deeply respect, Prof Lin Chang. I met prof Chang many years ago while she was visiting Melbourne to present at ANGMA, The Australasian  Neurogastroenterolgy and Motility Association conference, and again during DDW conference in Chicago and San Diego.

Please allow me to introduce Prof Chang

Lin Chang, MD is a Professor of Medicine and Vice-Chief of the Vatche and Tamar Manoukian Division of Digestive Diseases, Department of Medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. She serves as the Co-Director of the G. Oppenheimer Center for Neurobiology of Stress and Resilience at UCLA. She is also Program Director of the UCLA Gastroenterology Fellowship Program. Dr. Chang’s clinical and research expertise is in disorders of brain-gut disorders. Her research focuses on the pathophysiology of IBS related to stress, early life adversity, sex differences, and epigenetic factors, and the treatment of IBS. She is currently the Clinical Research Councilor of the AGA Governing Board. She previously served as President of the American Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society (ANMS) and is a member of the Rome Foundation Board of Directors.

So…todays talk is about Stress and the Gut

We all know stress affects the gut, but how does it all work.

Some things you may know, but Im sure you are going to learn so much more.

We cover everything from how stress affects the gut from a neurobiological perspective, to how stress affects the microbiota,. There is just so much more and I just want to jump straight into it! Lets go!

Please enjoy my conversation with Prof Lin Chang