Get Back to Talking Games! This week Matt and Huw take The Long and Winding Road that is video games together without a Little Help From My Friends. It's All Too Much as they chat about Matt's discovery of the musical marvel that is Beatles Rock Band and how it's nigh on impossible to find any peripherals for it, anywhere! Meanwhile, Huw takes us on a journey in his (not so) Yellow Submarine into the aquatic survival game Subnautica. Rounded off with a few news items you should probably check out this week's show, because Tomorrow Never Knows what's round the corner.

Okay, I think that was enough Beatles song titles worked into this, don't you?

Talking Games is  looking for diverse, talented and interesting people to lend their voice to the show. If you think you've got something to say about games that isn't already being covered email us at [email protected] and tell us why you'd like to be part of the team!