Welcome to Talking Drupal. Today we are talking about The Book Module with Chad Hester.


Topics Book Module High level overview Unique about the module Real world use cases Why not entity reference Should it be in contrib Where does it not make sense Future? Resources Drupal Book Module Acquia Book Module Video OS Training Guide to Book Module Layout Builder Kit Custom Book Block Support the ImageX Ukraine team Chad’s trip to BC from Baltimore and adventures nomading in Canada and the US: Guests

www.chadkhester.com @chadkhester


Nic Laflin - www.nLighteneddevelopment.com @nicxvan
John Picozzi - www.epam.com @johnpicozzi
Ryan Price - ryanpricemedia.com - @liberatr


The purge module facilitates cleaning external caching systems, reverse proxies and CDNs as content actually changes. This allows external caching layers to keep unchanged content cached infinitely, making content delivery more efficient, resilient and better guarded against traffic spikes.

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