Today we are talking about Core Theming with Cristina Chumillas.

Topics What’s new in core theming? Why is Claro in core important? Why is Olivero in core important? Why was it so long between new themes? Continuous improvement? What is the biggest improvement? What happens to old themes? Accessibility CSS Build tools Drupal 10 IE UC Compound elements Getting involved

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Resources Load assets from template issue Mike’s presentation on Olivero’s menu Future of CSS in Drupal Meeting times #frontend channel in Drupal slack 11am ET / 3pm GMT Guests Hosts

Nic Laflin - @nicxvan
John Picozzi - @johnpicozzi
Mike Herchel - - @mikeherchel


This module provides an implementation of Google Chrome Lab’s Quicklink library for Drupal. Quicklink is a lightweight (< 1kb compressed) JavaScript library that enables faster subsequent page-loads by prefetching in-viewport links during idle time.

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