Today we are talking about Marketing Automation with Mautic with Ruth Cheesley.

Topics What is Marketing Automation What is Mautic How does Mautic work Is Mautic free Similarities between Drupal and Mautic Mautic and Acquia How Mautic works with Drupal What Mautic can automate Privacy features in Safari Customizing Mautic Plugin ecosystem Mautic Acceleration team Resources App for sit stand reminder Governance Mautic Project Page Mautic Partners Mautic Documentation Developer Docs NB we are in the middle of replatforming to Read the Docs - WIP but these are the most updated End user Developer Mautic Workshop at DrupalCon Campaign Studio Campaign Factory YouTube channel Guests

Ruth Cheesley - @RCheesley


Nic Laflin - @nicxvan
John Picozzi - @johnpicozzi
Mike Anello - @ultimike


Webform Mautic
Adds a Webform handler to map submissions to Mautic forms.
Automatically send Mautic cookies (session and device ID), to merge the newly created contact from the submission with the anonymous tracked visitor through the tracking pixel seamlessly.
Automatically forward the IP address to Mautic, to provide consistent tracking of leads once they submit the form.

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