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What is taxonomy - “the classification of something” Use Cases Hierarchical Taxonomy uses Implementation Modules Hierarchical Select (7) - https://www.drupal.org/project/hierarchical_select Simple hierarchical select (7 and 8) - https://www.drupal.org/project/shs Client-side hierarchical select (7 and 8) - https://www.drupal.org/project/shs Module of the Week

Mailchimp - Module of the Week


This module provides integration with MailChimp, a popular email delivery service. The module makes it easy for website users or visitors to control which of your email lists they want to be on (or off), lets you generate and send MailChimp email campaigns from your site, and lets you and your users view a history of emails they have been sent from MailChimp. More generally, it aspires to makes your email delivery world efficient and to make your user's email receipt and control simple and precise. Thanks to MailChimp's ongoing sponsorship, this module is actively maintained and regularly adding features


Stephen Cross - www.ParallaxInfoTech.com @stephencross

Nic Laflin - www.nLightened.net @nicxvan

John Picozzi - www.oomphinc.com @johnpicozzi
