Rebound & Remodel: Capital investing and restructuring in CEE in the midst of the global pandemicOur next episode is hosted by Glen Flannery (partner, Restructuring & Insolvency, CMS UK) who is joined by an expert panel consisting of Ana Radnev (Head of Finance, Romania) and our guests Mary Ellen Collins (non-executive director in several companies in CEE), David Lofts (portfolio manager and Head of Trading & Origination, Cheyne Capital) and Raj Apte (Head of Restructuring for the CESA region, EY). The panel share their insights and views on restructuring and investing in CEE in the near future, taking into account the impacts of the global pandemic.In addition to valuable insights drawn from previous experiences in CEE, the panelists address the following key questions:What will happen next, as government support measures are inevitably wound down and withdrawn?
When and how will businesses fix their broken balance sheets?
How equipped is CEE to deal with this?
How should businesses, banks and other stakeholders address the situation?
What is key to a successful turnaround?
What investment opportunities lie ahead in CEE?