The Podcast The podcast is available to listen on all the major social podcast platforms, search Talking Books hosted by J T Crowley. The video is available on YouTube search Talking Books hosted by J T Crowley and now on Roku and Amazon Fire TV cable channels under E&Atv Click TALKING BOOKS SHOW The […]

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The Podcast

The podcast is available to listen on all the major social podcast platforms, search Talking Books hosted by J T Crowley. The video is available on YouTube search Talking Books hosted by J T Crowley and now on Roku and Amazon Fire TV cable channels under E&Atv Click TALKING BOOKS SHOW

The Author

Keith Vincent is a retired accountant living in Arizona in U.S. He originated from the city of Cleveland in the state of Ohio on the shores of Lake Erie one of the five lakes that makes up what is known as, ‘The Great Lakes.’ Apart from Cleveland he’s lived in Massachusetts, New York, Japan, but it’s Arizona that he regards as his home territory, a place where he began pursuing his philosophical passions.

Quantum Physics and how it relates to the human condition has over the years simply fascinated him especially how two particles can be in two states at the same time – referring to ‘Matter’ in its various guises made up of tiny particles – not any other definition. For Keith he has concluded that mankind has a long way to go prior to advancing into what man thinks he is. Keith has drawn his conclusions here on the realities of economics, sociology, and political ideologies verse what man/people assume those conditions are.

Growing up with a supportive mother who encouraged his imaginary thoughts was in words extremely useful, for we all need people who believe in us. When you look at Keith’s life you begin to wonder just how much it was shaped, like most of us, by those around us and what we read while growing up. It’s fair to say we all have our favourite people, and authors, for Keith that was a Cherokee shaman, spiritual and general fiction namely written by Heinlein, Orwell, Ayn Rand, Karl Marx, Engels and Tsun Tsu. A real mix of genres and Philosophies, dare I say not your average reader.

In to this mix of what I see as a quizzical mindset, you add the world of accountancy, why this profession you may well ask; well for Keith it was a sense of being absolute, settled, but it brought him a sense of freedom that allowed him to contemplate a different side to life away from a scientific approach but yet close enough for someone who had an analytic mind buzzing around in their head to focus, digest and consider, and it is all these processes that forms the fundamental basis of Keith’s book, so let’s turn our attention to what lurks between the pages of this extraordinary book which I have to say made me stop and think at times.

Check out our video chat here!

The Book

This stunning highly imaginative story is about an updated version of a replicator. Now for those of you who were die-hard fans of Star Trek you would have seen and heard about the machine on board, it was initially there to synthesize meals on demand, but in later series much larger non-food items appeared. When you look up the meaning of replicator, you’ll get a text that will say- a replicator (evolution unit), the theoretical basic unit of evolution in the gene-centred view of evolution. Replicator(self-replication) a component that facilitates self-replication. DNA replication, the process of producing two identical copies from one original DNA molecule. 

In this book Keith Vincent has uplifted this ideology and given the task of developing a replicator, which in the book is referred to as a STrelpicator to Peter Harris a young and upcoming nerdy physicist with big inventory concepts. After an arduous journey the STreplicator is ready for the public domain, its capabilities are far reaching and not everybody including the US government and large corporations are ready for this revolutionary machine. 

Peter Harris’ STreplicator is a machine that creates items for mankind’s survival by using sub-atomic particles. The machine is highly environmentally efficient so much, so it appears to be a miracle of modern science. The STrepicator is capable of feeding and clothing mankind without adding to an already environmentally challenged world.

Desperate to share his breakthrough, Peter assembles a highly effective team to circumvent the stumbling blocks of creating powerful enemies from within both the political and corporate worlds who see his creation as a real challenge to their very existence despite all the environmental benefits. 

The twists and turns are proportionately distributed throughout the book, like any good book worth its salt should be.

Well done, Keith for a gripping read.

In the podcast to give you all a flavour of what can be found lurking between the pages we’re going to talk about the following chapters.

Chapters 8,10,12,28,31,32,33,43,50,51 and 60.

Social Media Sites search Keith Vincent.

If you wish to purchase a copy of Keith’s book, then you can click the Amazon link below. You can also go to his publisher’s webpage

or directly from Keith here:

Thank you, Keith, for giving me the wonderful opportunity of interviewing you, and I wish you every success with your writing adventures.

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