We have Erik Nather from the Metropolitan Pogonotrophy Society out of Nashville Tennessee talking about their annual competition, "The Showdown at the Southern Gates" Saturday July 16th.  A beard competition to benefit the Tennessee Wildlife Federation which

is one of the largest and oldest organizations in Tennessee dedicated to the conservation of the state’s wildlife and natural resources.  More on this great organization by going to- https://tnwf.org/

Metropolitan Pogonotrophy Society


Tennessee Wildlife Federation



Erik Nather



Talking Beards website



Metropolitan Pogonotrophy Society Presents:

Showdown at the Southern Gates 2022

Facial Hair Competition

LOCATION: Nashville, Tennessee


***July 15, 2022 - MEET & GREET

Location: Lakeside Lounge


***July 16, 2022 - COMPETITION

at Exit/In - https://exitin.com/

Doors open at 5:00 pm CST

Registration 5:00 - 7:00 pm CST

Competition starts at 7:15 pm CST

Tickets: TBD


***July 17, 2022 - FAREWELL BRUNCH

Shelby Park

East Nashville

11:00 am CST



1. Donegal

Full beard with no moustache, STYLING AIDS NOT ALLOWED.

2. Goatee

Facial hair grown only on the chin or upper/lower lip, moustache is not required, STYLING AIDS NOT ALLOWED.

3. Sideburns/Chops

Facial hair with shaven chin & hair is optional on the upper lip, STYLING AIDS NOT ALLOWED.

4. Partial Beard Freestyle

Facial hair with gap(s) in places such as cheeks, chin, and/or upper lip styled into any and every shape possible,

STYLING AIDS ALLOWED. Coloring is allowed, extensions, structural supports & false hair are disallowed.

5. Moustache Natural

A natural moustache is any length of hair grown above the upper lip and underneath the nose only, STYLING


6. Moustache Styled

A styled moustache is any length of hair grown above the upper lip and underneath the nose only, STYLING


7. Full Beard Freestyle

A freestyle beard is a full beard, with all parts of the beard and moustache grown, styled with any product, into

any and every shape possible, STYLING AIDS ALLOWED. This category includes the free design and creative

styling of the beard. All full beards that do not qualify for other categories may compete here. Coloring is allowed,

extensions, structural supports & false hair are disallowed.

8. Oppressed Beard

An oppressed beard is a full beard under four inches and not allowed to live up to it’s full potential. Reasons typically

include; oppressive workplace rules, overbearing partners, self-loathing, and genetics. These contestants are

giving all they can while being held back from their full potential. These fine folks have been through enough...


9. Women’s Most Realistic

Women can have fantastic follicles too! In the realistic category you must create a realistic looking beard by any

means possible using real or synthetic hair. Freestyle designs are allowed by any manner of aid.

10. Women’s Most Creative

A creative category for women that is wide-open to the imagination. Create the most imaginative, creative, and

fantastic beard you can. The choice of materials is completely up to you. The more creative, the better.

11. Groomed Beard

A groomed beard is a full beard, with all parts of the beard and moustache grown, expertly brushed, trimmed,

shaped, and generally maintained, with minimal STYLING AIDS ALLOWED (moustache wax, hairspray to

shape fly-away hairs). Moustache styled is allowed, but not required. Products should be limited to refinements

for overall moustache and beard shape.

12. Full Beard under 12"

A natural full beard is a full beard (less than 12 inches as measured from the lower lip as it lies naturally), STYLING AIDS NOT ALLOWED. The more natural the beard, the better. The mustache should be integrated. Length

is important, but isn’t everything. Mass, density, shape,

color, and overall impression all count.

13. Full Beard over 12"

A natural full beard is a full beard (more than 12 inches as measured from the lower lip as it lies naturally),

STYLING AIDS NOT ALLOWED. The more natural the beard, the better. The mustache should be integrated.

Length is important, but isn’t everything. Mass, density, shape, color, and overall impression all count.


The Beard Calendar


Please check out our friends at Honest Amish and try one of the best selling beard brands available!!!

Honest Amish- use promo code "talkingbeards" to save 15%


Check out our other great shows on Talking Beards-The Network



Talking Beards is available of the KPNL Network-go check out other various “strange” shows-




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