As you may notice Episode 34 is missing.  Actually, there are 2 finished versions, Ep.34 and Ep34.3, that will probably not be released due to sensitivity issues, but the content of the episodes was about the loss of two young men and the impact it had on us.  Bald faced Josh and I used the podcast as a way to express our feelings and get out much needed thoughts and emotions.  What came across was very heartfelt and genuine and it helped us both cope with what we were both experiencing.  Maybe someday these episodes will be released...but until then, if you need to hear them, email me at [email protected] and I may consider sending them to you.

Episode 35 was an part of a 5 hour recording session Josh and I were having one night to blow off steam and talk shit out.  What this episode ended up being was all about television sitcoms that we grew up with.  We covered some late 70's shows through the 80's and into the 90's.  We also talked about early women in these shows that we had the hots for.  There isn't much beard and mustache in this sucker, other than the one I have, so I hope this doesn't disappoint the listeners.  Josh and I needed this episode as part of our healing process and I am sure there will be many more of these random episodes in the coming months as we deal with many things ahead.  

Mental health is an important topic to me as I have dealt with seasonal depression and other states of dealing with depression through difficult times.  It is important to reach out in times of need to a mental health professional or speak to your general physician.  Sometimes talking to a councilor may be all you need to help you deal with issues you may have in your life.  Others may need mild to severe doses of anti-depressants to help them cope with a chemical imbalance they  may have but those should only be dispensed by a licensed physician.  A tragic loss can trigger deep depression and confusing feelings in adults and young adults and needs to be properly dealt with.  Talking with close friends can help, sharing your feelings with a parent or family member can also make you feel better.  Getting your feelings out is key to helping get past difficult moments in life, seek help if you are having issues and aren't able to cope... please get help.