Our most excellent guest, Lucio Moustache Battista, joins us to talk about all things American Ninja Warrior.  We also discuss his recent trip to Belgium and his first place finish and newly crowned World Champion mustache!  We also ran through all the newly announced categories that will be at the 2019 National Championships. This episode is jammed packed full of greatness and fun-thanks for going us!!!







All 2019 National Beard and Moustache Championships categories and descriptions. Please read below to see which category best fits your furry face or crafty eye. Once you’ve decided head over to our store and registration today!

Glossary of Terms

Mild Styling Aids - Oils, balms, other hair products without “Hold” Styling Aids - Hair Products with “Hold” Additional Structural Materials - In regards to freestyle beards, additional structural materials could be wire, string or other non-natural, non-naturally-grown-and-attached-to-the-wearer materials that might hold the beard parts up or together.


Natural Moustache

Judges will be looking for a natural moustache with no styling aids present. The moustache must not begin growth from the skin at a distance further than 3/4” beyond the corner of the wearers mouth. Any length of moustache hairs is accepted.

Styled, Handlebar Moustache

The Styled Moustaches will be expected to have a single, open curl or loop on both sides.

All hair growing from more than 3/4” past the corner of the mouth must be shaved. The moustache hairs themselves will have no regulation on length. Any or all styling aids will be permitted and some styling is required. Hungarian Moustache would fit in this category.

Best Groomed Moustache

Neat, tidy moustache. This moustache will be judged on overall appearance, contrast between shaved and moustache areas, and symmetry. Styling Aids* allowed. Imperial Moustache would fit in this category.

English Moustache

A narrow, slender moustache with the hairs extend ed outward from the middle of the upper lip. The tips may be slightly raised. Hairs growing from beyond the corner of the mouth must be shaved. Styling aids* permitted.

Dali Moustache

Slender with the tips curled upward. Hairs growing from beyond the corner of the mouth must be shaved. The tips may not extend above the level of the eyebrows. Styling aids* permitted.

Freestyle Moustache

Freestyle Moustache - Free design and styling of the moustache. All moustaches not meeting the criteria for other categories may compete in this category. All hair growing from more than 3/4” past the corner of the mouth must be shaved. This is a styled moustache.

Styling aids are allowed, but additional structural materials (wire, rope, lumber) are not permitted.


Natural Goatee, Shaped 

Shaped Goatees must have a minimum 3” gap of bald or otherwise shaved skin between the bottom of the earlobe and the beginning of the goatee. (This strip of bare skin would normally be where sideburns would be). All goatees are permitted to have an incorporated moustache, but it is not required. Goatee will be judged on overall fit to the competitor, health of hair and level of awesomeness. Mild Styling aids are permitted, but excessive use of aids will result in a deduction from stand-alone value.

Natural Goatee, Wide <18”

All Wide Goatees must have a minimum 2” gap of bald or otherwise shaved skin between the bottom of the earlobe and the beginning of the goatee. (This strip of bare skin would normally be where sideburns would be). All goatees are permitted to have an incorporated moustache, but it is not required. Goatee will be judged on overall fit to the competitor, health of hair and level of awesomeness. Mild Styling aids are permitted, but excessive use of aids will result in a deduction from stand-alone value.

Natural Goatee >18”

All Goatees over 18” must have a minimum 2” gap of bald or otherwise shaved skin between the bottom of the earlobe and the beginning of the goatee. (This strip of bare skin would normally be where sideburns would be). All goatees are permitted to have an incorporated moustache, but it is not required. Goatee will be judged on overall fit to the competitor, health of hair and level of awesomeness. Mild Styling Aids* are permitted, but excessive use of aids will result in a deduction from stand-alone value.

Natural Sideburns, Friendly

Must be a true sideburn with no natural or shaven gap by the ear. Chin is shaven at least 1.5" (the width of a standard razor blade). The moustache shall be connected on the upper lip, also known as the “friendly” chops.

Mild Styling Aids* are permitted, but excessive use of aids will result in a deduction from stand-alone value.

Natural Sideburns

Must be a true sideburn with no natural or shaven gap by the ear. Chin is shaven at least 1.5" (the width of a standard razor blade). No moustache permitted. Mild Styling aids are permitted, but excessive use of aids will result in a deduction from stand-alone value.

Fu Manchu

All areas more than 3/4” past the corner of the mouth horizontally must be clean shaven, and the chin area is shaved as well. The moustache and partial beard hairs are permitted to grow from the face descending vertically towards the jawline and 3/4” beyond. The tips of the moustache extend downward. Styling aids* permitted.


Also known as a “3-Point Beard”. The beard is narrow and pointed. The moustache is slender, long, and drawn out in a slight bow. The moustache may not include hairs growing from more than 3/4” past the corners of the mouth. *Styling aids permitted. Facial Hair will be judged for overall look, overall presentation will be considered.


The Donegal is a tight, well groomed beard with no moustache and shaved upper cheeks. This style will consist of beards that would otherwise be considered full beards if they had a moustache (Similar to C. Everett Koops beard).


The Whaler is a wilder, full beard up to 12” in length with no moustache and cheeks can be shaved or not shaved. This style will consist of all beards that would otherwise be considered full beards if they had a moustache.


The Shenandoah is a longer, full beard over 12” in length with no moustache. Cheeks can be shaved or not shaved. This style will consist of all beards that would otherwise be considered full beards if they had a moustache.

Goatee Freestyle

Goatee Freestyle includes any freestyle beard that is styled with the base facial hair used having the recognizable characteristics of a Goatee. This is a styled partial beard.

Styling aids are allowed, but additional structural materials (wire, rope, lumber) are not permitted.

Sideburns Freestyle

Sideburns Freestyle includes any freestyle beard that is styled with the base facial hair used having the recognizable characteristics of sideburns. This is a styled partial beard.

Styling aids are allowed, but additional structural materials (wire, rope, lumber) are not permitted.

Partial Beard Freestyle

Partial Beard Freestyle includes any freestyle beard that is styled with the base facial hair used having the recognizable characteristics of a Partial Beard and does not fit into the Freestyle  Sideburns or Freestyle Goatee category. This is a styled partial beard.

Styling aids are allowed, but additional structural materials (wire, rope, lumber) are not permitted.


Full Beard, Best Groomed <3”

A well-presented beard, but also the overall groomed presentation from head to toe. Mild Styling Aids permitted, 0-3” lengths accepted. A Verdi Style beard would fit into this category

Full Beard, Best Groomed 3” - 6”

A well-presented beard, but also the overall groomed presentation from head to toe. Mild Styling Aids permitted, 3”-6” lengths accepted. A Verdi Style beard would fit into this category

Full Beard Best Groomed 6”-12”

A well-presented beard, but also the overall groomed presentation from head to toe. Mild Styling Aids permitted, 6”-12” lengths accepted.

Full Beard Best Groomed 12”-18”

A well-presented beard, but also the overall groomed presentation from head to toe. Mild Styling Aids permitted, all lengths 12”-18” accepted.

Full Beard Best Groomed 18”-24”

A well-presented beard, but also the overall groomed presentation from head to toe. Mild Styling Aids permitted, all lengths 18” to 24” accepted.

Full Beard Best Groomed >24”

A well-presented beard, but also the overall groomed presentation from head to toe. Mild Styling Aids permitted, all lengths over 24” accepted.

Full Beard Garibaldi

The Garibaldi Beard is wide and round at the bottom, and no more than 8 inches in length as measured from the bottom of the lower lip. The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better. The moustache may not be made distinct from the beard or styled. The beard may not be curled under at the bottom.

*No Styling Aids Permitted

Full Beard, Styled Moustache <3”

Full beard from 0-3” in length with minimal to mild styling aids and incorporating a Moustache of any size, styled in a manner as to be the predominant facial-hair-feature of the face.

Full Beard, Styled Moustache 3”-6”

Full beard from 3”-6” in length with minimal to mild styling aids and incorporating a Moustache of any size, styled in a manner as to be the predominant facial-hair-feature of the face.

Full Beard, Styled Moustache 6”-12”

Full beard from 6”-12” in length with minimal to mild styling aids and incorporating a Moustache of any size, styled in a manner as to be the predominant facial-hair-feature of the face.

Full Beard, Styled Moustache 12’-18”

Full beard from 12’-18” in length with minimal to mild styling aids and incorporating a Moustache of any size, styled in a manner as to be the predominant facial-hair-feature of the face.

Full Beard, Styled Moustache 18”-24”

Full beard from 18”-24” in length with minimal to mild styling aids and incorporating a Moustache of any size, styled in a manner as to be the predominant facial-hair-feature of the face.

Full Beard, Styled Moustache >24”

Full beard over 24” in length with minimal to mild styling aids and incorporating a Moustache of any size, styled in a manner as to be the predominant facial-hair-feature of the face.

Full Beard Natural <3”

The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better! This category is for beards that measure a maximum length of 3” as measured from the bottom of the lower lip.

*No Styling aids permitted.

Full Beard Natural 3”-6”

The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better! This category is for beards that measure a maximum length of 6” as measured from the bottom of the lower lip.

*No Styling aids permitted.

Full Beard Natural 6”-12”

The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better! This category is for beards that measure a maximum length of 12” as measured from the bottom of the lower lip.

*No Styling aids permitted.

Full Beard Natural 12”-18”

The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better! This category is for beards that measure 12” - 18” in length as measured from the bottom of the lower lip.

*No Styling aids permitted.

Full Beard Natural 18”-24”

The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better! This category is for beards that measure 18” - 24” in length as measured from the bottom of the lower lip.

*No Styling aids permitted.

Full Beard Natural >24”

The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better! This category is for beards that measure 24” or more in length as measured from the bottom of the lower lip.

*No Styling aids permitted.

Full Beard Freestyle

The full bearded contestant will have the creative freedom to style their beard in any manner that they like. There are no restrictions on length, symmetry, asymmetry or color.

Styling aids are allowed, but additional structural materials (wire, rope, lumber) are not permitted.


Realistic Moustache

This Craft/Realistic Category requires a crafted, realistic looking moustache. There are no other regulations. Beards that maintain their shape/lift/buoyancy without the additional aid of the wearers own appendages will be rewarded with higher scores.

Creative Moustache

For this category, the general idea of the creation should be able to be recognized as moustache-like in shape, nature, or essence of origin in regards to the human body. There are no restrictions on materials to be used, except for what may possibly be illegal or dangerous to others. The creation must be able to hang freely on the face or general head/upper torso area without consistent help from the appendages of the wearer. Important tip: Have Fun!

Realistic Beard

This Craft/Realistic Category requires a crafted, realistic looking beard. There are no other regulations. Beards that maintain their shape/lift/buoyancy without the additional aid of the wearers own appendages will be rewarded with higher scores.

Creative Beard

For this category, the general idea of the creation should be able to be recognized as beardish or otherwise beard-like in shape, nature, or essence of origin in regards to the human body. There are no restrictions on materials to be used, except for what may possibly be illegal or dangerous to others. The creation must be able to hang freely from the face or general head/upper torso area without consistent help from the appendages of the wearer. Important tip: Have Fun!

Attached, Natural Craft Moustache

Facial Hair that is created from pulling around the wearers real, attached head hair and making it resemble moustache, or other facial hair.

Attached, Natural Craft Beard

Facial Hair that is created from pulling around the wearers real, attached head hair and making it resemble a beard or partial beard.



BS Buttons Beard Bulletin Board- let us know about something you want to promote



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Talking Beards is now LIVE on Facebook every Tuesday at 8pm best




Beards In Review-



Aaron D Johnston- Facebook


Aaron D. Johnston-Instagram


Talking Beards Facebook-


Talking Beards-



Honest Amish-




Visit THE BEARDCASTER website for more fun “bearding” info:


Subscribe for FREE at:




Twitter: @TheBeardcaster


Instagram: @thebeardcaster




  Our most excellent guest, Lucio Moustache Battista, joins us to talk about all things American Ninja Warrior.  We also discuss his recent trip to Belgium and his first place finish and newly crowned World Champion mustache!  We also ran through all the newly announced categories that will be at the 2019 National Championships. This episode is jammed packed full of greatness and fun-thanks for going us!!!







All 2019 National Beard and Moustache Championships categories and descriptions. Please read below to see which category best fits your furry face or crafty eye. Once you’ve decided head over to our store and registration today!

Glossary of Terms

Mild Styling Aids - Oils, balms, other hair products without “Hold” Styling Aids - Hair Products with “Hold” Additional Structural Materials - In regards to freestyle beards, additional structural materials could be wire, string or other non-natural, non-naturally-grown-and-attached-to-the-wearer materials that might hold the beard parts up or together.


Natural Moustache

Judges will be looking for a natural moustache with no styling aids present. The moustache must not begin growth from the skin at a distance further than 3/4” beyond the corner of the wearers mouth. Any length of moustache hairs is accepted.

Styled, Handlebar Moustache

The Styled Moustaches will be expected to have a single, open curl or loop on both sides.

All hair growing from more than 3/4” past the corner of the mouth must be shaved. The moustache hairs themselves will have no regulation on length. Any or all styling aids will be permitted and some styling is required. Hungarian Moustache would fit in this category.

Best Groomed Moustache

Neat, tidy moustache. This moustache will be judged on overall appearance, contrast between shaved and moustache areas, and symmetry. Styling Aids* allowed. Imperial Moustache would fit in this category.

English Moustache

A narrow, slender moustache with the hairs extend ed outward from the middle of the upper lip. The tips may be slightly raised. Hairs growing from beyond the corner of the mouth must be shaved. Styling aids* permitted.

Dali Moustache

Slender with the tips curled upward. Hairs growing from beyond the corner of the mouth must be shaved. The tips may not extend above the level of the eyebrows. Styling aids* permitted.

Freestyle Moustache

Freestyle Moustache - Free design and styling of the moustache. All moustaches not meeting the criteria for other categories may compete in this category. All hair growing from more than 3/4” past the corner of the mouth must be shaved. This is a styled moustache.

Styling aids are allowed, but additional structural materials (wire, rope, lumber) are not permitted.


Natural Goatee, Shaped 

Shaped Goatees must have a minimum 3” gap of bald or otherwise shaved skin between the bottom of the earlobe and the beginning of the goatee. (This strip of bare skin would normally be where sideburns would be). All goatees are permitted to have an incorporated moustache, but it is not required. Goatee will be judged on overall fit to the competitor, health of hair and level of awesomeness. Mild Styling aids are permitted, but excessive use of aids will result in a deduction from stand-alone value.

Natural Goatee, Wide 18”

All Goatees over 18” must have a minimum 2” gap of bald or otherwise shaved skin between the bottom of the earlobe and the beginning of the goatee. (This strip of bare skin would normally be where sideburns would be). All goatees are permitted to have an incorporated moustache, but it is not required. Goatee will be judged on overall fit to the competitor, health of hair and level of awesomeness. Mild Styling Aids* are permitted, but excessive use of aids will result in a deduction from stand-alone value.

Natural Sideburns, Friendly

Must be a true sideburn with no natural or shaven gap by the ear. Chin is shaven at least 1.5" (the width of a standard razor blade). The moustache shall be connected on the upper lip, also known as the “friendly” chops.

Mild Styling Aids* are permitted, but excessive use of aids will result in a deduction from stand-alone value.

Natural Sideburns

Must be a true sideburn with no natural or shaven gap by the ear. Chin is shaven at least 1.5" (the width of a standard razor blade). No moustache permitted. Mild Styling aids are permitted, but excessive use of aids will result in a deduction from stand-alone value.

Fu Manchu

All areas more than 3/4” past the corner of the mouth horizontally must be clean shaven, and the chin area is shaved as well. The moustache and partial beard hairs are permitted to grow from the face descending vertically towards the jawline and 3/4” beyond. The tips of the moustache extend downward. Styling aids* permitted.


Also known as a “3-Point Beard”. The beard is narrow and pointed. The moustache is slender, long, and drawn out in a slight bow. The moustache may not include hairs growing from more than 3/4” past the corners of the mouth. *Styling aids permitted. Facial Hair will be judged for overall look, overall presentation will be considered.


The Donegal is a tight, well groomed beard with no moustache and shaved upper cheeks. This style will consist of beards that would otherwise be considered full beards if they had a moustache (Similar to C. Everett Koops beard).


The Whaler is a wilder, full beard up to 12” in length with no moustache and cheeks can be shaved or not shaved. This style will consist of all beards that would otherwise be considered full beards if they had a moustache.


The Shenandoah is a longer, full beard over 12” in length with no moustache. Cheeks can be shaved or not shaved. This style will consist of all beards that would otherwise be considered full beards if they had a moustache.

Goatee Freestyle

Goatee Freestyle includes any freestyle beard that is styled with the base facial hair used having the recognizable characteristics of a Goatee. This is a styled partial beard.

Styling aids are allowed, but additional structural materials (wire, rope, lumber) are not permitted.

Sideburns Freestyle

Sideburns Freestyle includes any freestyle beard that is styled with the base facial hair used having the recognizable characteristics of sideburns. This is a styled partial beard.

Styling aids are allowed, but additional structural materials (wire, rope, lumber) are not permitted.

Partial Beard Freestyle

Partial Beard Freestyle includes any freestyle beard that is styled with the base facial hair used having the recognizable characteristics of a Partial Beard and does not fit into the Freestyle  Sideburns or Freestyle Goatee category. This is a styled partial beard.

Styling aids are allowed, but additional structural materials (wire, rope, lumber) are not permitted.


Full Beard, Best Groomed <3”

A well-presented beard, but also the overall groomed presentation from head to toe. Mild Styling Aids permitted, 0-3” lengths accepted. A Verdi Style beard would fit into this category

Full Beard, Best Groomed 3” - 6”

A well-presented beard, but also the overall groomed presentation from head to toe. Mild Styling Aids permitted, 3”-6” lengths accepted. A Verdi Style beard would fit into this category

Full Beard Best Groomed 6”-12”

A well-presented beard, but also the overall groomed presentation from head to toe. Mild Styling Aids permitted, 6”-12” lengths accepted.

Full Beard Best Groomed 12”-18”

A well-presented beard, but also the overall groomed presentation from head to toe. Mild Styling Aids permitted, all lengths 12”-18” accepted.

Full Beard Best Groomed 18”-24”

A well-presented beard, but also the overall groomed presentation from head to toe. Mild Styling Aids permitted, all lengths 18” to 24” accepted.

Full Beard Best Groomed >24”

A well-presented beard, but also the overall groomed presentation from head to toe. Mild Styling Aids permitted, all lengths over 24” accepted.

Full Beard Garibaldi

The Garibaldi Beard is wide and round at the bottom, and no more than 8 inches in length as measured from the bottom of the lower lip. The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better. The moustache may not be made distinct from the beard or styled. The beard may not be curled under at the bottom.

*No Styling Aids Permitted

Full Beard, Styled Moustache <3”

Full beard from 0-3” in length with minimal to mild styling aids and incorporating a Moustache of any size, styled in a manner as to be the predominant facial-hair-feature of the face.

Full Beard, Styled Moustache 3”-6”

Full beard from 3”-6” in length with minimal to mild styling aids and incorporating a Moustache of any size, styled in a manner as to be the predominant facial-hair-feature of the face.

Full Beard, Styled Moustache 6”-12”

Full beard from 6”-12” in length with minimal to mild styling aids and incorporating a Moustache of any size, styled in a manner as to be the predominant facial-hair-feature of the face.

Full Beard, Styled Moustache 12’-18”

Full beard from 12’-18” in length with minimal to mild styling aids and incorporating a Moustache of any size, styled in a manner as to be the predominant facial-hair-feature of the face.

Full Beard, Styled Moustache 18”-24”

Full beard from 18”-24” in length with minimal to mild styling aids and incorporating a Moustache of any size, styled in a manner as to be the predominant facial-hair-feature of the face.

Full Beard, Styled Moustache >24”

Full beard over 24” in length with minimal to mild styling aids and incorporating a Moustache of any size, styled in a manner as to be the predominant facial-hair-feature of the face.

Full Beard Natural <3”

The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better! This category is for beards that measure a maximum length of 3” as measured from the bottom of the lower lip.

*No Styling aids permitted.

Full Beard Natural 3”-6”

The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better! This category is for beards that measure a maximum length of 6” as measured from the bottom of the lower lip.

*No Styling aids permitted.

Full Beard Natural 6”-12”

The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better! This category is for beards that measure a maximum length of 12” as measured from the bottom of the lower lip.

*No Styling aids permitted.

Full Beard Natural 12”-18”

The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better! This category is for beards that measure 12” - 18” in length as measured from the bottom of the lower lip.

*No Styling aids permitted.

Full Beard Natural 18”-24”

The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better! This category is for beards that measure 18” - 24” in length as measured from the bottom of the lower lip.

*No Styling aids permitted.

Full Beard Natural >24”

The beard appears as it grows naturally. The more natural the better! This category is for beards that measure 24” or more in length as measured from the bottom of the lower lip.

*No Styling aids permitted.

Full Beard Freestyle

The full bearded contestant will have the creative freedom to style their beard in any manner that they like. There are no restrictions on length, symmetry, asymmetry or color.

Styling aids are allowed, but additional structural materials (wire, rope, lumber) are not permitted.


Realistic Moustache

This Craft/Realistic Category requires a crafted, realistic looking moustache. There are no other regulations. Beards that maintain their shape/lift/buoyancy without the additional aid of the wearers own appendages will be rewarded with higher scores.

Creative Moustache

For this category, the general idea of the creation should be able to be recognized as moustache-like in shape, nature, or essence of origin in regards to the human body. There are no restrictions on materials to be used, except for what may possibly be illegal or dangerous to others. The creation must be able to hang freely on the face or general head/upper torso area without consistent help from the appendages of the wearer. Important tip: Have Fun!

Realistic Beard

This Craft/Realistic Category requires a crafted, realistic looking beard. There are no other regulations. Beards that maintain their shape/lift/buoyancy without the additional aid of the wearers own appendages will be rewarded with higher scores.

Creative Beard

For this category, the general idea of the creation should be able to be recognized as beardish or otherwise beard-like in shape, nature, or essence of origin in regards to the human body. There are no restrictions on materials to be used, except for what may possibly be illegal or dangerous to others. The creation must be able to hang freely from the face or general head/upper torso area without consistent help from the appendages of the wearer. Important tip: Have Fun!

Attached, Natural Craft Moustache

Facial Hair that is created from pulling around the wearers real, attached head hair and making it resemble moustache, or other facial hair.

Attached, Natural Craft Beard

Facial Hair that is created from pulling around the wearers real, attached head hair and making it resemble a beard or partial beard.



BS Buttons Beard Bulletin Board- let us know about something you want to promote



BS Buttons on Facebook-order your buttons through this link-



Talking Beards is now LIVE on Facebook every Tuesday at 8pm best




Beards In Review-



Aaron D Johnston- Facebook


Aaron D. Johnston-Instagram


Talking Beards Facebook-


Talking Beards-



Honest Amish-




Visit THE BEARDCASTER website for more fun “bearding” info:


Subscribe for FREE at:




Twitter: @TheBeardcaster


Instagram: @thebeardcaster


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