The longest running science fiction show, Doctor Who, continues with its Christmas tradition. On this special day, we’re talking Doctor Who, Christmas Specials, and our reactions to the 2014 Doctor Who Christmas Special. Peter Capaldi returns as Doctor Who saving Jenna Colman’s Clara Coleman from a long Winter’s sleep. There’s also Santa Claus, elves, North … Continue reading Doctor Who Christmas Special 2014

The post Doctor Who Christmas Special 2014 appeared first on Talking After the Show.

The longest running science fiction show, Doctor Who, continues with its Christmas tradition. On this special day, we’re talking Doctor Who, Christmas Specials, and our reactions to the 2014 Doctor Who Christmas Special.

Peter Capaldi returns as Doctor Who saving Jenna Colman’s Clara Coleman from a long Winter’s sleep. There’s also Santa Claus, elves, North Pole science base station, and red nose reindeer.

So, get your washtub bass, Christmas tree branch, and Life Day all done right and then join us for an evening of fun that’s guaranteed to fill two hearts full.

Video Cast


Nick Forst cast in Doctor Who Christmas Special
“Last Christmas” BBC
The Bechdel Test
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Jenny Coleman staying on for Season 9

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The post Doctor Who Christmas Special 2014 appeared first on Talking After the Show.

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