Alright, we've officially reached the point of no return, Season 5, Episode 6, the infamous Dorne disaster, "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken." The Martell sigil words, which seems to signify the pigheadedness of all the characters and their actions as they move towards the finale. This is the second episode written by Bryan Cogman & directed by Jeremy Podeswa, and has become very controversial in the years since both for the changes made to the Dorne storyline as well as the ending scene, which presents Sansa being horrifically and rather brutally sexually assaulted by Ramsay on the night of their wedding, a moment that was heavily criticized as being gratuituous for the sake of being gratuituous rather than actually contributing to the story in a meaningful way. Jaime & Bronn finally reach the Water Gardens to rescue Myrcella, but are interrupted by the Sand Snakes as they also make their attempt to kidnap and kill her. Arya continues to clean bodies in the House of Black & White but is able to prove herself. Tyrion & Jorah are captured by slavers, but Tyrion convinces them to bring them to Meereen to Daenerys. In King's Landing, Loras is placed on trial but the High Sparrow stacks the tables against them and has both him & Margaery imprisoned. Keep tuning in for more episodes every Friday only on the #talkintvpodcast


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