I know, I know! Not everything’s okay. And yeah, there’s so much we can worry about. But, seriously. It’s gonna be okay.


In this episode, we take stock of a number of ways things have gone off the rails as well as what we’re looking at down the road. We get into the potentials of a second Trump term and its implications on American democracy. We outline potential threats of another Trump administration such as weaponizing the department of justice, using the military against domestic protest, and withdrawing the U.S. from NATO among others. Despite these potential challenges, there’s still reason to be hopeful. And it’s worth constantly reminding ourselves that things will be okay - one way or another.


We can account for the current state of divisiveness within the country, particularly around sensitive topics like immigration and the wave of disinformation. Despite legitimate skepticism and criticism of Trump and the way things are shaping up, it’s worth maintaining some equilibrium. In other words, as one curtain said to its other half, the other curtain, “Pull yourself together!” While bad things could happen, life will still go on. We each have agency to dictate how we react to and experience what's happening around us and, ultimately, the ability to still find a sense of peacefulness in life.


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Talkin' Politics & Religion Without Killin' Each Other is part of The Democracy Group, a network of podcasts that examines what’s broken in our democracy and how we can work together to fix it.


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Be sure to check out another great podcast, Beyond Politics. They've become friends of ours and are doing really important work.


You can find Corey on all the socials @coreysnathan such as



And here's a link to that special edition of The Atlantic, IF TRUMP WINS:
