Christy Smith is campaigning to represent CA27 in the U.S. House of Representatives. The current Congressman, Republican Mike Garcia won the district in 2020 by 333 votes out of over 340,000 that were cast. Yet Mike’s voting record and public statements while in office have represented only the most extreme MAGA fringe and not the entirety of this very purple district. 

In this conversation with Christy, we discuss a wide range of issues from saving our democratic institutions to student debt relief, environmental issues to education, and we even discuss her position on providing police and first responders with the resources they need. We also discussed the politics of 2022 including how it's different campaigning this year vs. 2020; Christy shares how she's connecting with folks such as college-educated women in her district, many of whom have never voted for a Democrat before; she also specifies ways she's reaching out to another important constituency of CA27, Latinos; and we talk candidly about how her opponent Mike Garcia, despite his campaign promises to be a moderate, has actually governed as an extremist kowtowing only to the MAGA fringe of his Party.

Christy has a long track record in public service in the district she hopes to represent in Congress. While serving in the CA State Assembly, Christy authored nine bills which became law focusing on education reform, homeowner protections, college affordability, good governance and protection for victims of human trafficking. Prior to the State Assembly, Christy served two terms as a Governing Board Member of the Newhall School District, notably helping to secure $60 million in resources for facility and technology upgrades for the school district. It’s also worth noting that Christy graduated high school in Santa Clarita, went to College of the Canyons (before graduating from UCLA) and has also raised a family in the Santa Clarita Valley.

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