SURPRISE!  Justin decided to do this edition of Independent Thoughts LIVE via the world of Periscope!This week, we chat about New Japan's recent "Strong Style Evolved" show from Long Beach, Cali-Four-Nigh-Yay and their upcoming "Sakura Genesis" show back home in Japan on April 1st.

We also take a quick preview of Ring of Honor's "Supercard of Honor XII" event taking place during the chaos that is Wrestlemania week in NOLA.
Are you going to be in N'Orleans for super-crazy-wrestling-week?  If so, Justin fills you in quickly on shows that he wishes he could see but can't.  But maybe YOU can!
Before you go, we'd like to know what you think of our cute little wrestling show.  So leave us a rating or a review if you can (nice going, Google) and let us know what you like, what you don't, and any tidbits you'd like to share!  Capeesh?
Until next week!