Each day, more news filters out about the Parkland high school shooting that horrifies us and makes our heart bleed for the victims and their families. An Emergency Medical Technician, for example, who wants to remain anonymous for fear of being fired, has just confided to a reporter that he was told to stand down and not run in to rescue victims and provide medical aid. A Sheriff Deputy, Scot Peterson, who was one of four deputies hiding in the bushes, instead of running in to confront the shooter, said the same thing. Who do we believe? Today's guest, Bryan Crabtree, radio host and publisher of Talk40.com News, shares his views on these failures of law enforcement and the FBI. And he and Dr. Carole also discuss what should be done to prevent future school shootings: the pros and cons of gun control and arming teachers, and how desperately our mental health system needs improvement. Hear what they have to say and then you decide.