Social skills are delicate muscles that lose their tone quickly when they’re not exercised. It just takes one global pandemic and shutdown with related isolation and separation from society to show that. It’s as though people have flooded back into the world but forgotten they’re no longer in their living rooms. As I’ve been on walkabout for the last months with my dogs, moving around in public has taken on an entirely different experience. I’m in a heightened state of awareness of my surroundings, to keep them safe. The interesting by-product is being witness to all sorts of curious behavior … especially with other dog owners. The lessons from these observations give a pretty clear indicator about which end of the leash needs the help.

What does leadership actually mean in today’s world? Good questions, right? That’s what Cathy Brooks, thought. And it’s why she created Talk, Unleashed – a new podcast of entirely candid conversations with fascinating people doing remarkable things. This weekly podcast features guests from arts and entertainment to business to technology to food to activism to politics (well, we’ll see on that last one). Talk Unleashed invites these influencers to consider the things that have led to them to where they are, the lessons they’ve learned and how all those things can come together to create a better world. This podcast compliments Unleashed Leadership, the coaching business through which Cathy helps clients unearth and untether their own internal leadership and connect with others in a way that truly engages.








