In this episode, our guest is Kelley Carlstrom, who received her Doctor of Pharmacy from The University of Colorado in 2010 and completed 2 years of post-graduate residency training to specialize in oncology. She is a board-certified oncology pharmacist that has worked in a variety of traditional and non-traditional settings including at a large academic medical center, a small community hospital, as a consultant for a large electronic medical record implementation, and most recently in the healthcare technology space helping to create digital products and services for oncology clinicians and patients. Additionally, Kelley is the founder and CEO of KelleyCPharmD, a company that supports pharmacists develop their baseline oncology knowledge. She is passionate about decolonizing oncology pharmacy training and increasing accessibility and inclusion through her unique and innovative training programs.

Interview topics:
- The importance of networking and building community in our profession - I got my current day job through my presence on LinkedIn. I'm still floored when I find out people don't even have a profile!
- Democratizing education - historically specialty knowledge was tightly guarded with gatekeepers but education is rapidly changing. This is great for increasing accessibility but also means there needs to be more proactive action on the individual to fill their knowledge gaps
- Non-traditional roles - not many of us in tech
- The great migration is hitting oncology pharmacy hard - we have lost lots of experienced clinicians at a time when cancer centers are expanding. There are a lot of opportunities in oncology.

Guest - Kelley D. Carlstrom, PharmD, BCOP
Founder and CEO | KelleyCPharmD, LLC
Director of Clinical Growth & Strategy (OncoHealth); Founder/CEO (KelleyCPharmD)
Social links:

Host - Hillary Blackburn, PharmD, MBA
@talktoyourpharmacist for Instagram and Facebook
@HillBlackburn Twitter

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