Hi Everyone, sorry we won't be releasing our usual podcast episode this week, but don't worry as we will be back as normal next Monday.

We've just started our Talk to the Band Facebook group but anyone can join and it is a great place to meet and chat with guests and listeners. We'll also be holding some competitions and discussions over the coming weeks to find out what you like about Talk to the Band, what you're not so keen on, what you'd like to see and any other suggestions you have that could help shape and improve Talk to the Band. So if you'd like to have a say in what we do and help shape Talk to the Band, then please join our Facebook group and search for Talk to the Band in Facebook Groups or click on the link in the show notes.

Talk to the Band Facebook Group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/401502307511050https://www.facebook.com/groups/401502307511050

If you do enjoy our episodes why not subscribe? It's really easy. If you listen to Talk to the Band in a podcast app such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify or any of the other great podcast apps that are out there, then all you need to do is open Talk to the Band in your usual podcast app and select the subscribe option.

And if you listen to Talk to the Band via our lovely website, it's just as easy, you simply subscribe to our email newsletter using the 'Join our newsletter' form on our website - just enter your name and email address and click on 'Sign me Up!'. We won't bombard you with emails or send your spam but what we will do is email you whenever we release a new episode, send you bonus content and keep you notified of what we're up to. Even if you listen to our podcast via an app on your phone or tablet, you can still subscribe to our email newsletter via our website and that way you'll also be receive bonus content and be kept in the loop of what we're up to and what guests we have coming up.

We will be back next week, so please don't go anywhere and our remaining episodes are absolute stonkers, so you really don't want to miss them!

As always, thank you so much for your support - it is appreciated. 

Take care and stay safe,


Talk to the Band Website : https://www.talktotheband.com

Talk to the Band Facebook Group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/401502307511050https://www.facebook.com/groups/401502307511050

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