This episode is going to sound quite different from the normal Talk Thru It experience. There's not a lot of production, not a lot of fanfare. It's just over 25 minutes of me with an open microphone, telling a story about a man I never knew while asking the question: If the United States of America would be willfully complicit and responsible for the death of people they and society claim to be heroes, without action what hope does a group of people oppressed for over 400 years have? It's an episode about the current happenings in the country, partly a response to the ignorance of Drew Brees, and acknowledging that being a "hero" doesn't mean salvation which bodes poorly for those who are much worse thought of. Any mistakes are mine and mine alone, and for them I do apologize. To all those people fighting for their liberation and a better world: I stand with and love you, and will do my best to aide you however I can. You deserve that much.


Soraya Nadia McDonald wrote a moving piece on the Undefeated about George Floyd and the image of Derek Chauvin's knee on his neck here

William C Rhoden, also at the Undefeated, wrote it's now or never for fixing America's racism problems here.

The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund could use your support here.

The Bail Project takes 100% of donations to help fight mass incarceration here. They're not in every city, but see where you can help here.

The Equal Justice Initiative...well this one feels pretty self explanatory really. Check out their cause here.

Black Lives Matter has put together a Carrd link with tons of different resources geared towards actions of different varieties if you want more or aren't sure where to start. Check it out here.

This graphic has been going around social media; it lists multiple places with an emphasis on Minnesota based causes that could use support. Check that out here.

Campaign Zero is mentioned above, but if you'd like more information on them and to help their cause check out their website here.