TALK, TEACH, AND TESTIFY RADIO: FRIDAY MORNING (UNDERSTANDING THE TRUE MEANING OF HUMBLING OURSELVES DURING THE DAY OF ATONEMENT) On Friday morning, September 29th, 2017 (the 11th day of the 7th Month) @ 10AM EST (9AM CST), Talk, Teach, and Testify Radio will present sound doctrine and teaching the spiritual meaning and revelation of the Thurah/Torah (teachings and instructions) of YAHUAH and the true importance of understanding the assembly/fellowship within the Set Apart Family/Community. We shall discuss the true meaning of the Abary/Hebrew word anah (humbling yourself) which is mentioned in Leviticus 23 during the Day of Atonement (Yum Kyppur/Kyphar) within the Appointed Feasts of YAHUAH. Does YAHUAH commands us to fast (or to humble ourselves)?! Please join us either by calling in at the new number of (515) 605-9874 or just click on the link below. May Abba/Ab baruk you and keep you. Shalum. Shabath Shalum.