THE VOICE 4 THE VOICELESS ACTIVISM RADIO PLATFORM: On Monday, August 6th, 2018 at 7PM EST (6PM CST/4PM PST), the producer of The Babylonian Report© brings forth a new refreshing Blog Talk Radio Activism Platform called The Voice for the Voiceless©, It is a "think tank" initiative committed to allow the true activists who are on the battlefields within their communities to speak out regarding the harsh realities and social economic inequalities that we face in today's society and within our youth. We will be discussing the true definition of what and how the 13th Amendment of the US Constitution has not ended slavery, but rather it enhanced slavery through the prison industry system. How have this transition of slavery impacted families and communities? Please call in at (515) 605-9874 or just click on the link below. Become a Voice 4 The Voiceless 2day!