Teachers talk about the fruit but what about the seed? But Yahusha answered and said, "It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of YAHUAH our Supreme Aluahym (MatittYahu 4:4) If His word is altered, then the seed is no longer viable in that which grows up because men changed it. The physical body needs bread, but our inner component needs the seed, which is the Living Manna (Thurah)

Please join us as we learn from scripture what are the seeds sown by an enemy (GMO) and what are the organic seeds sown by our Supreme Aluahym.

Date: April 30, 2018

Time: 6:30 PM EST- 5:30 PM CST

Dial in: (515) 605-9874 or simply click on the link below at the date and time of radio show. May Abba/Father continue to baruk and keep you all. 

Shalum Shalum 



Sisters Abiding In Light and Truth Kingdom Outreach