There is no question that we live in a high-pressured world, and not only do we deal with the stress that society puts on our heads, but we have our own inner pressure-cooker as well—from our personal expectations, responsibilities, work, families, relationships, and our goals for happiness and success.

So, how do we deal practically with the anxiety in our lives, the difficulties that come our way, the very things that make us feel like we are stuck in a rut and unable to overcome basic life challenges?

It is known that the darkest part of the night is just before the dawn. Often it is easy to think that life would be so nice, so easy, if it were simply smooth a life filled with only light and no darkness. However just as on an EKG, the sign of life is a heartbeat that goes up and down . . . so too our lives have bumps in the road, and the ups and downs are all a part of living. The question is not if there will be bumps, but rather how will we deal with those bumps when we hit them?

Join S.A.L.T as we learn in the Renewed Covenant how the Mashyak taught his talmydym how to live on earth without stress and anxiety. The broadcast will be on Thursday, June 14th, 2018 at 730PM EST/630PM CST/430PM PST and you may call in at (515) 605-9874 or just click on the link below to listen in to this very important instruction. Shalum. Shalum.