Joe Mullings is the Founder, Chairman, and CEO of the world’s leading search firm in the medical advice industry, the Mullings Group. Joe explains how long term investments in building a talent brand through rich content & storytelling is a crucial part of an effective hiring strategy,.


Key Points From This Episode:

Joe tells us what he is currently working on and what it's like to run several companies. Context about what the Mullings Group is and what their key offerings are. The shift Joe made to producing content as an additional service. The trends that Joe has noticed in the industry. The advantages of using media for recruitment of talent. Limitations of traditional recruitment strategies. How alternative recruitment methods allows access to the ‘passive’ market. What Joe regards as deficiency in job postings. Identifying who your employees will become in the long-term. The gaps between traditional recruitment strategies and effective content strategy. Example of an impactful recruitment campaign strategy. The difference between a hiring brand and hiring video. The importance of considering long-term recruitment strategies. Who should be responsible for the long-term recruitment strategies. Why prioritizing recruitments is important. Measuring the success of a recruitment program.




“It’s a series of demands and it has nothing to do with explaining to people who they might become when they went to work at your company.” — @joemullings [0:05:21]


“It's a chorus of efforts in order to access and constantly have on a slow drip, the best talent in your domain.” — @joemullings [0:07:53]


“Inability and incompetency is not a fair excuse and I do believe in the next 24 months, we’ll have an enormous reckoning in those organizations that do not create an ongoing committed multimillion dollar per year hiring brand because conventional job postings and conventional recruiting do not work as effectively any longer.” — @joemullings [0:23:13]


“Your goal should be to that talent access producer who is going to be getting the best people showing up for you to interview.” — @joemullings [0:27:44]


“People will not shut you off because they won’t feel like they’re the product. They will feel like that they are learning or experiencing something from watching your content.” — @joemullings [0:31:36]


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:


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