Addiction impacts every life, everywhere, in one way or another. We may be the family member of a person battling addiction, or perhaps a friend, coworker, or neighbor.My son battled a heroin, cocaine, crack cocaine, and crystal meth addiction for twenty-three years. He is polite, charming, and handsome. He is kind and loving and generous. However, throughout his addiction he lied, stole, manipulated, and used good people. He robbed banks. He had been in and out of detox facilities, recovery houses, and programs. He had also been in treatment centers in both Canada and the USA. He has been in prison. Addiction: A Mother’s Story (Third Edition) is the story of addiction through a Mother’s eyes. It is the story of the journey of addiction with my son whom I deeply, deeply love. As parents we search for answers and go to what might be considered unbelievable lengths to try and help our drug addicted children whom we love so much. Over those twenty-three years I read well over 200 books and thousands of articles written primarily by doctors, psychiatrists and psychologist, addictions counselors, and specialists in the field of addiction. I have read several stories written by addicts in recovery. Over the years what I perhaps needed most, was to read about addiction through the eyes of a parent. By a mother or father whose knowledge and awareness of addiction was also accompanied by a lifetime of love, of memories, and of emotions that only a parent can know. I sincerely hope that Addiction: A Mother’s Story helps you help yourself, your addicted loved one, and all your family by acknowledging the love and the ties that bind us while we battle this disease with our loved one. Also Josh S tells his personal story of addiction from recovery.