Talk Recovery Radio Next Episode - Thursday March 23rd @ 12pm PST

This week on Talk Recovery Radio we welcome John Clerides, a business owner downtown Vancouver who advocates that the city needs to be safer for members of the community as well as business owners. John has been a business owner for decades in the downtown core and says it has never been as bad as it has been recently when it comes to safety. You can catch the whole interview on Facebook live from 12-1pm PST on Talk Recovery Radio's Facebook page.

About John

John was the first president of the Davie Village BIA, when it ran from Burrard to Jervis Street only. The budget was $40,000 a year so we had to save in order to spend money on capital improvements. Now it is called the West End BIA with a full time ED and a larger budget.

John is an advocate for safety in Vancouver "we all have right to walk down any street in Vancouver, like we use to, without the fear of getting attacked & helping those who need help"

John’s daughter started a Facebook group called “Vancouver Break-Ins & Crime Collective” the group purpose is the following.

“This page aims to support small businesses and citizens alike who have experienced and/or witnessed break-ins and criminal activity in the city of Vancouver.”

John's Social media

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Media Attention

Below are some articles that John has been interviewed for as a business owner in Vancouver

‘Worst I have ever seen it’: Vancouver business owner says city not taking crime seriously.

Windows smashed, storefronts vandalized in Vancouver's West End overnight

Vancouver vandalism the 'worst ever seen' by West End shop owner

Mayor claims Vancouver is one of the world’s safest cities, but is he right?

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