Join us this week for your weekly humorus look at the top headlines surrounding our country over the past 7 days. President Trump has come under fire yet again for an ad featuring a supporter yelling "white power". But that is not his only issues as an warrant was issued for his arrest as well as Reddit has now banned his groups on their platforms for spewing 'hate speech". Also coming out today was the news that the "Golden State Killer" Joseph James Deangelo Jr plead guilty to 13 counts of first degree murder to avoid the death penalty in California. And we will also be talking about Elijah McClain, a 23 year old African Amercian gentlemen who was stopped by police when he was walking home from the convenience store. Mr. McClain was an introvert who also had been diagnosed with autism and anemia, therefore was wearing a ski mask. When confronted by police because a call had been placed by a citizen who thought he was "acting suspicious". A struggle ensued which includes one of the cops saying McClain had "reached" for the other officers weapon, even though the other officer reported he did not believe he had. And eventually lead to an EMT adminstering a dose of Ketamine which potentially lead to Mr. McClains' passing. We will be discussing all this and more on tonights edition of the American Idiots show. To be apart of the converstation feel free to dail in at (347)989-1171.