Join "Money" Mike Carnahan, "Pretty Boy" Sean Castleberry, and special guest host Tali Brim as they break down some of the biggest headlines currently affecting our nation. This morning the 7th circuit court of appeals ruled that a federal execution could proceed today. If this holds up it will be the first fedral execution in over a decade, we will discuss and debate the issues surrounding this big news including the death penalty and its relevance in today's society. Also it was revealed on Sunday evening that the Washington Redskins would finally bow to popular pressures and be changing its nickname after it was deemed "racist". We will discuss the issues surrounding the mascots and team names across the country. And if it really is as big of an issue as the main stream media is reporting. Over the past week the popular website Wayfair has come under scruitny for possibly allowing a human trafficking component being discovered with the website. And with election day drawing closer we will be discussing the potential running mates for the presumptive Democratic Nominee Joe Biden. And who may give him the biggest upside come November with the voters. Join us tonight at 8/7cst on Talk Radio 49, Youtube Live, or the American Idiots Facebook page, also to be apart of the action you can always dial in at (347)989-1171.