Join Lisa O’Brien and Michael Carnahan on Tuesday, January 7, 2020, at 8:00 p.m. Central for Clear and Convincing’s first episode of the new decade.  We’ll be discussing new developments in some of the cases we’ve covered, including the status of appeals filed by Jodi Arias, Dalia Dippolito, Stacey Johnson and Jeffery MacDonald.  We’ll also talk about recent developments in the cases of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Sedley Alley, Steven Avery, Kevin Cooper and Adnan Syed.  Finally, we’ll talk about the status of Rodney Reed and Hank Skinner’s cases and discuss some of the cases we plan to cover the during what remains of our second season and into our third season.  We’re a live show and questions are welcome.  Our phone number is (347) 989-1171.