Join Lisa O’Brien and Michael Carnahan on Tuesday, December 10, 2019, at 8:00 p.m. Central for Episode 41, Estimating Time of Death, with our guest Darren Dake.  We’ll talk about time of death estimation in general, the factors used by investigators and forensic pathologists to estimate time of death and the alternative time of death theories offered in the Rodney Reed and Larry Swearingen cases, including pronouncements by advocates and experts that their guilt was “medically and scientifically impossible.” 

About Our Guest:

Darren Dake, D-ABMDI, CI, CCI 

Darren Dake is a law enforcement professional with over 30 years’ experience in criminal and medicolegal death investigation. Darren has worked in both the law enforcement realm of investigations as well as in the role of senior investigator with the Coroner’s office for over 20 years.  This combined investigative experience has uniquely established Darren as an expert in investigations which allows him to consult and teach internationally on investigation practices and procedures.

Darren holds national certification as a Medicolegal Death Investigator through the American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators (ABMDI), as well as being a nationally certified criminal investigator and certified criminal investigations instructor.

Other accomplishments include the founding of the Death Investigation Academy  as well as other investigator focused resources such as the Death Investigator Magazine and the Coroner Talk Podcast.  Darren has also published several books related to investigations; Investigating Suicide and Self-Harm Deaths, Interviews and Interrogations- getting the information you want, and Autoerotic Fatalities – a guide to investigating and interpreting the scene.  Darren also co-authored the book CODE-Living healthy, happy, and whole submerged in tragedy, trauma, and death.